A lace lingerie with monotone colours are quite a thing of the past. Although some still love lace in either black or white, a different tone often provides a livelier mood. Spangla presents their lingerie lace thong underwear with the classic black and white colours, with the additional pink colour that makes your private moment in lingerie much sweeter. Let us get to learn these feminine and fragile mens underwear pieces.
Because men have a far more different built than women, a durable mens underwear is fundamental. Much more if we take it down to a softer and more feminine route. Spangla creates a sexy classic thong mens underwear collection and applied a generous dose of sissy! The result are intimate pieces that are effortlessly sexy and inviting, suitable for the man who loves his private time in feminine underwear. The stretch floral lace thong underwear from Spangla provides a gentle yet secure support to a man’s package, and also gives a nice snug, thanks to its elastic waist and legs.

The Spangla Lingerie Lace Thong underwear almost gives away all the best intimate details of your treasures because of the see through capability of a lace fabric. Desirable and inviting, this sissy underwear collection is a must have in all three colours, one for each of your mood and fantasy. Spangla continues to achieve mens underwear possibilities and surely brings to life the simplest and even the wildest of styles.
Explore more mens underwear and mens lingerie collections with the huge selection of Spangla online! From bra tops, camisoles, corsets, g-strings, thongs, bikini briefs and more, Spangla gives their signature touch for masculine and feminine underwear that will surely land on one’s every changing taste and imagination for underwear styles. Shop Spangla mens underwear and mens lingerie pieces today and have your orders dispatched 1-2 working days, and arrive at your doorstep in DISCREET PACKAGING. Visit us at https://www.menslingerie.com.au